Feminist and Postmodernist Politics Around David Harvey: A Critical Essay


  • Mireia Folch-Serra


The main objective of this article is to evaluate the objections wich some feminist and other authors actively involved in the postrnodemist debate have raised to David Harvey's book The Condition of Postmodernity. The former accuse him of not questionning the role of masculinity in his approach, reducing everything to a question of social class, as Harvey has always done. The objections of other authors focus on the exclusion of «alteration» (of race, gender ...). Finally the author of the article proposes an alternative: «Dialogism», a contemporary theory put forward by M. Bakhtin and which incorporates difference and alteration through a new concept, called «cronotope».



How to Cite

Folch-Serra, M. (1994). Feminist and Postmodernist Politics Around David Harvey: A Critical Essay. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 24, 59–73. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.1076


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