Hunting, Agricultural Activity, and Geography in Spain
For complet reasons, hunting in Spain has recently experienced an extraordinary expansion, with over a million hunters now involved, with over eighty per cent of the country's territory classified as game reserves, and with a not insignificant economic importance.
For this reason Geography and other disciplines claim a scientific treatment for hunting, wich in our case must be assumed by Leisure, Rural and Agrarian Geography.
From this perspective the key features of the geography of Spanish hunting are developed in this article, dealing with both hunting species and hunting spaces; the different aspects of hunting as a farmiing activity,given that it is taking shape as such; together with the important ideological problems and specific conflicts generated by its practice. In fact, it could be said that it is an activity of real significance for Spain, and should therefore be given serious consideration by both geographers and other social scientists.
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Copyright (c) 1994 Antonio López Ontiveros
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