Scenes or ghettos? The gay masculine visibility in Spanish cities
The visibility of minority groups, such as gay communities, is a premise to avoid situations of vulnerability. This article proposes a basic methodology to establish categories of gay masculine visibility in the major Spanish cities based on the nature and composition of their respective gay scenes. The analysis of these scenes is based on the distribution of the principal places of homosexual reference and there character (sexual satisfaction, sociability and availability of commercial, tourist and institutional services). As a basic aim, the article proposes to offer key reflections on the consideration or not of these spaces as new quality ghettos in the postfordist city.
visibility, scene, gay, city, SpainReferences
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Referencias de carácter electrónico
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: guía de recursos para gays y lesbianes en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Chicago.
: portal gay español.
: Guía de recursos queer.
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