Integration of different models of protection for the design of a protected Natural Area in Michoacán, Mexico
In some countries in tropical underdeveloped regions, the authentic effectiveness of protected natural areas (PNA) has been minimal, and sometimes opposed to the main objectives of these areas, generating as a consequence the loss of environmental, social and economic services. At the operational level, one of the key elements in PNA planning is the delimitation of its borders; within the different environmental management actions are integrated. However, PNA planning has to go beyond the physical borders, and consider the aspects that can improve management effectiveness. This paper presents a case study which poses the integration of various types of figures of interest in conservation, in the definition of a unique unit of environmental management, a PNA, which incorporates the socioenvironmental values of that region of Michoacán State.
natural protected areas, planning, socio-environmental, management, Michoacan, MexicoReferences
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