Global change and landscape in the Costa del Tet–Mont-rodon (Matadepera, Vallès Occidental). Analyze the present to plan for the future (1956-2006)
The objective of this paper is to show the results of the diagnosis of changes in land use and land cover that have taken place between 1956 and 2006 in Costa del Tet–Montrodon (municipality of Matadepera, county of Vallès Occidental). The diagnosis is framed in the theory of global change, which can be defined as a set of alterations of the global environment. The method of the diagnosis derives from the need to overcome the divide between nature and culture and to make an integrated analysis. Combination of aerial photograph, field work, historical documents and oral sources, has allowed the historical reconstruction of landscape and the support to the local proposal for the protection of the area, which is threatened by the urban expansion of the surroundings.
global change, land use and land cover change, nature-culture divide, landcapeReferences
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