A Geographer’s Gaze at Tourism


  • Myriam Jansen-Verbeke


The meaning and content of international tourism has shifted from Greek and Roman travel to a modern and complex phenomenon in the 21st century. All along this time path the scientific interest in tourism has changed from a descriptive and encyclopaedic knowledge of places and people to a discipline in its own right. The emerging geographical approach to tourism emphasises both the spatial analysis of tourism -including flows and space uses- and a synthesis of the territorial coherence among people, place, product and policies. The geographical approach, with its capacity to analyse the various components and to synthesise the interactions, contributes to the formation of a comprehensive and coherent framework for an integrated analysis of the multi-dimensional tourism environment. Over time the research focus has come to concentrate upon the transformation processes induced by tourism and on the multi-dimensional impact of tourism on natural and morphological characteristics, on social and political relationships, on economic structures and on functional profiles. Reflections on key issues for future research in tourism include a «return to the roots movement» in the territorial approach, the high expectations of methodological innovations and emphasis on the need for integrated planning and management in tourism.


tourism, scientific research, geographical focus, future research topics


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How to Cite

Jansen-Verbeke, M. (2008). A Geographer’s Gaze at Tourism. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 52, 15–29. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.999


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