The organizations of territorial cooperation in Europa: a look into the future


  • Susana Beltran


The regional and local entities collaborate with other European entities by means of the creation of organizations which have a very diverse juridical nature. This associationism allows them to develop territorial cooperation initiatives, which refer to transborder relationships, carried out among neighboring entities, and to transnational and interregional relationships, leaded by entities which do not share any border. A new type of association has been introduced recently, the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation —EGTC—, which aims at making up for the deficiencies that were sometimes faced by the known Euroregions and working communities, among other, when undertaking joint actions. The present work analyzes the weaknesses and strong points referring to the current territorial cooperation’s organizations by focusing on the study of their feasibility.


territorial cooperation, EGTC, transfrontier cooperation, local and regional european associations


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How to Cite

Beltran, S. (2010). The organizations of territorial cooperation in Europa: a look into the future. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 56(1), 57–69.


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