An example of cooperation of vast area. The experience and prospects of development in the Adriatic Euroregion


  • Alberto Bramanti
  • Paolo Rosso


The article analyzes the case study of the Adriatic Euroregion (AE) to exemplify the emergence of «vast area cooperation». This kind of cooperation is considered to be the last challenge of transnational cooperation in Europe; solid motivations are needed to cooperate, and the dimension and number of participants is a source of problems. We will start by introducing the characteristics and perspectives of the AE, and then we will enter the core business, emphasizing three main points: the lobbying of Presidents, operational articulation and strategic programming. The role of the Adriatic Sea as a factor of absolute advantage for cooperation is highlighted. We conclude by emphasizing the conditions (necessary but not sufficient) for long-term sustainability of the above-mentioned cooperation.


cross-border cooperation, cooperation of vast area, Adriatic Euroregion, Adriatic Sea, core business


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How to Cite

Bramanti, A., & Rosso, P. (2010). An example of cooperation of vast area. The experience and prospects of development in the Adriatic Euroregion. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 56(1), 221–235.


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