Overview of territorial cooperation in the Euroregion Galicia and the Northern Portugal Region
In the article we will approach, first, the factors that have stimulated interregional and cross-border cooperation among regional and local Portuguese (Northern Region of Portugal) and Galician authorities. Secondly, we will briefly analyze the historical phases since the first initiatives up to the present moment, approximately 20 years. Lastly, we will refer to the institutions that channel cooperation, mainly the Galicia-Northern Portugal Working Community (CT), the Galicia-Northern Portugal-European Group of Territorial Cooperation (GNP-AECT) and the Eixo Atlántico do Noroeste Peninsular. It is also necessary to allude to more recent and lesser known experiences such as Unimiño or the Chaves- Verín Eurocity.
cross-border cooperation, interregional cooperation, decentralization, subsidiarity, leadership, partnershipReferences
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