Euroregions and European integration


  • Francesc Morata


The paper briefly analyses the evolution of cross-border cooperation in Europe, especially through the Euroregions. Drawing on sociological institutionalism, it points out the institutional pre-requisites that are needed to manage this kind of cooperation within a context of multi-level governance. In our view these functional pre-requisites —political, organizational, technical, informative and participative— should take on board the adaptation and articulation of the existing capacities at the several levels, as well as the creation of new abilities to face the specific requirements of each euroregional space. This hypothesis is tested empirically in the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion.


euroregions, European integration, multi-level governance, institutional capacities


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How to Cite

Morata, F. (2010). Euroregions and European integration. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 56(1), 41–56.


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