Territory, landscape and industrial heritage: Debates and actions in the European context


  • Paz Benito del Pozo


This paper falls within the scope of the geographical analysis of the challenges posed by post-industrial society and offers some thoughts on industrial heritage both as a resource and an opportunity for areas affected by processes leading to the abandonment of factories and industrial sites. From a Spanish viewpoint, an overview is given of the developments in the theoretical debate on “industrial heritage, territory and culture” and an analysis is provided of European experiences after two decades of uneven interventions. Finally, a review is offered of new approaches to the interpretation and use of industrial heritage; approaches in which landscapes replace monuments and territory gains a leading role. This is a line of thought which emphasizes local memories together with the subjective and emotional component of industrial heritage.


industrial heritage, derelict sites, local memories, old factories, regional culture



How to Cite

Benito del Pozo, P. (2012). Territory, landscape and industrial heritage: Debates and actions in the European context. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 58(3), 443–457. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.11


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