The socio-spatial structure of the metropolitan region of Barcelona from a multimethod approach: A methodological proposal for the study of residential and social differentiation


  • Maria Costa Losa Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans
  • Sergio Porcel López Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans


During the last two decades, the study of residential and social segregation has been renewed both theoretically and methodologically as a result of the participation of different disciplines. This paper presents a new methodological approach using a multimethod design that integrates social and spatial data. Through this approach, different types of socio-residential areas in the metropolitan area of Barcelona have been identified, analyzed and represented. This is a model of complementary triangulation of quantitative data that corrects some problems of these data and allows a more in-depth analysis. The results have some limitations, which are also discussed in the article.


residential and social differentiation, multimethod design, Metropolitan Region of Barcelona


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How to Cite

Costa Losa, M., & Porcel López, S. (2013). The socio-spatial structure of the metropolitan region of Barcelona from a multimethod approach: A methodological proposal for the study of residential and social differentiation. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 59(2), 315–345.


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