A geranium humboldtii in the geographical garden: Public opinion, bourgeoisie and landscape in early modern geography


  • Bernat Lladó Mas Col.lectiu (Sa)badall


Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) was a well-known figure in European society during the 18th and 19th centuries. His work concerned topics ranging from botany and political economy to geography or geology, thus reflecting the scientific and philosophical evolution of knowledge during the Enlightenment and the Romantic period. Many of his publications still generate some controversy in a way that has been interpreted as a clear example of what is sometimes called the indirect control of power by the bourgeoisie. In a historical moment in which the aristocratic-feudal power was still exerting its control over Europe, Humboldt’s work can be seen as a revolutionary attempt to awaken a new class consciousness through scientific and geographical knowledge. Following Humboldt’s steps, as well as his strategies, can help us to better understand the role science and philosophy play in forming a critical discourse.


Alexander von Humboldt, revolution, bourgeoisie, landscape, nature, cosmos, history of geographical thought


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How to Cite

Lladó Mas, B. (2013). A geranium humboldtii in the geographical garden: Public opinion, bourgeoisie and landscape in early modern geography. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 59(2), 363–374. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.56


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