Urban planning and innovation: from technology and professional practice to social and political innovation
Pollution and environmental issues, petty crime, traffic congestion, democracy and social justice are major concerns in contemporary larger cities and metropolitan areas. This paper calls for innovation in urban policy and management to deal with these problems effectively. Technical, political and cultural innovation includes a critical analysis of the influence of social organizations — including professional guilds — in government decision-making processes and in investment allocation. The current economic crisis makes some dramatic change in the ordinary routine more possible than in the past. The introduction of new technologies implies a re-thinking of priorities in public works and infrastructure building. A possible thorough change in urban geography will be a consequence of a cultural and technological revolution, for this reason this analysis focuses on issues such as: power dynamics; perception of effective innovation by voters and decision-makers; and research and development policies. The paper develops the implications of this approach in the area of mobility.Keywords
innovation, urban planning, technology, mobilityReferences
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