Suburbanization and international migration effects on recent Catalan fertility: A local-scale spatial analysis


  • Cristina López Villanueva Dep. de Teoria Sociològica, Filosofia del Dret i Metodologia de les CCSS. Universitat de Barcelona
  • Fernando Gil-Alonso Departament de Geografia Humana Facultat de Geografia i Història Universitat de Barcelona
  • Jordi Bayona i Carrasco Departament de Geografia Humana Facultat de Geografia i Història Universitat de Barcelona
  • Jenniffer Thiers Departament de Geografia Humana. Universitat de Barcelona


This article endeavours to analyse recent fertility changes in Catalonia, focusing on locallevel spatial differences. To this end, fertility indicators for the 121 Catalan municipalities with more than ten thousand inhabitants, and four other geographical units grouping those with less than ten thousand inhabitants, have been studied. The differences between autochthonous and foreign women and the impact of internal migrations are considered as potential explanatory factors. The results show that neither fertility differences between Spaniards and foreign women, nor the distribution of foreigners within each municipality, would explain local-level fertility variations. Instead, the internal migration of young couples wanting to expand their families, and the settlement of more fertile African women seem to be the most plausible explanatory factors. Finally, it is interesting to note that, regardless of the nationality of the women analysed, the city of Barcelona has low and stable fertility levels throughout the period analysed.


fertility, foreign population, internal migration, Barcelona, Catalonia


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How to Cite

López Villanueva, C., Gil-Alonso, F., Bayona i Carrasco, J., & Thiers, J. (2014). Suburbanization and international migration effects on recent Catalan fertility: A local-scale spatial analysis. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60(3), 599–626.


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