Agriculture, mountains and… The perception of the province of Lleida by Catalan university students
The image of a city or a territory is important. If it is known, the territory will become closer. If it is unknown, important obstacles can exist for the development of certain activities. This paper examines the existing views on the province of Lleida. Based on a survey of 170 Catalan university students, we attempt to determine the elements that are regularly associated to the province. The results show that agriculture constitutes the main element in the generic image of the province. However, the situation changes when we asked students to specify these aspects on a map. In this case, the capitals of the region and the Pyrenees come to the fore, thus revealing a contradiction between the general image that students have of the province of Lleida and the realization of this image.Keywords
image of the territory, perception, identity, Lleida, CataloniaReferences
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