Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept of Resilience Applied to Regional Development


  • Rudinei Kock Exterckoter Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Concórdia
  • Antoni Francesc Tulla Pujol Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia
  • Clécio Azevedo da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Resilience is a much known concept in ecological sciences and engineering that has gained increased use in recent years in studies on the social sciences, and particularly on regional economics. Several researchers have attempted to consolidate the use of this concept in regional development by linking the resilience of regions to their capacity to anticipate and prepare for, respond to and recover from a disruption. However, there is little information about how this new concept has evolved together with the social sciences. This article presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of resilience in the context of regional development whose aim is, among other things, to deepen the understanding of how the use of the concept of resilience has evolved, and identify the authors and journals that contribute most to the study of this subject, as well as the most commonly used terminology and the locations and years of the most important publications. The results demonstrate that although resilience is a new concept that is in the process of being adapted to the social sciences, it has already become an important instrument in explaining differences in regions’ capacity for economic adjustment in unfavorable scenarios.


regional development, resilience, bibliometrics, social sciences


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Author Biography

Rudinei Kock Exterckoter, Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Concórdia

Tiene Maestría en Agroecosistemas la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (2006), Licenciado en Agronomía de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (2002). Profesor de ciencias agraria en el Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - Campus Concórdia, trabajando principalmente en las áreas de la Agricultura Familiar, Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial. Actualmente cursa su doctorado en el Programa de Posgrado en Geografía de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), en el ámbito del desarrollo regional.



How to Cite

Exterckoter, R. K., Tulla Pujol, A. F., & Silva, C. A. da. (2016). Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept of Resilience Applied to Regional Development. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62(2), 275–298.


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