Women’s initiatives: entrepreneurship and opportunities in the rural areas of Castile and Leon



For decades women have struggled to find their place in the labour market. The option of promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative to the precariousness and as a possibility of finding labour niches in accordance with their skills and needs has become a real alternative in all rural areas. We analyze here the case of Castile and Leon, with large rural areas, as an example to understand these dynamics in territories where women’s struggle is even harder than in other groups or in other territories. The objective of this article is to see, within the framework of what supposes female entrepreneurship in rural areas, the economic and social initiatives that women are launching in the rural environment. In this context, despite its abandonment and decay, they can still exploit and take advantage of major endogenous resources. Based on the 2011 population census and through field work, we have carried out a diagnosis of the situation of the rural women’s workforce; in a second stage, we analyze self-employment initiatives and establish the typologies of entrepreneurs and the characteristics of their initiatives, highlighting the profile of the new inhabitants and their orientation towards professional services and rural tourism activities.


rural woman, feminine employment, rural employment, opportunity, Castile and Leon


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Author Biography

Milagros Alario Trigueros, Universidad de Valladolid. Departamento de Geografía

Profesora Titutar de Análisis Geográfico Regional en el Dpto de Geografía de la Universidad de Valladolid



How to Cite

Alario Trigueros, M., & Morales Prieto, E. (2016). Women’s initiatives: entrepreneurship and opportunities in the rural areas of Castile and Leon. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62(3), 613–637. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.369


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