Defining Green Infrastructure: Integrated methodological proposal using spatial analysis
Since the late twentieth century, the concept of Green Infrastructure (GI) has begun to occupy a prominent place in environmental planning. With particular regard to space, there is a growing need to develop procedures which enable identifying GI based on evaluating and mapping its dimensions. This paper proposes a spatial analysis method using geographical information systems in order to demarcate and map GI by analyzing at each point of the territory the following four GI-associated dimensions: the contribution to ecosystem services of various territorial elements, ecological connectivity, accessibility or permeability to the population, and ecological value. Despite its limitations, the proposal is sufficiently well-defined, but also open and applicable to any field of study, which could facilitate the implementation of GI in Spanish planning.Keywords
Green Infrastructure, geographic information systems, ecosystem services, ecological connectivity, ecological valueReferences
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Copyright (c) 2018 Francisco Aguilera Benavente; Víctor Manuel Rodríguez Espinosa; Montserrat Gómez Delgado

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