Four European borders under scrutiny: A methodology for the analysis of cross-border cooperation projects (INTERREG)
The APTA research group has developed a methodology to investigate cross-border cooperation at different European borders. The methodology allows the characteristics of the projects to be determined in detail, revealing the complexity of the network of actors that are mobilized and the territorial patterns resulting from cross-border cooperation. The text explains how the methodology has been developed using a database of INTERREG projects and their qualitative, quantitative and cartographic exploitation, and how it has been applied to interpret four borders: Portugal-Spain, Germany-Poland, Austria-Italy and Spain-France. This last case is addressed in depth to show the potential of the proposed methodology.Keywords
cross-border cooperation, INTERREG, geographical information system, territorial impacts, France-SpainReferences
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jaume Feliu, Matteo Berzi, Javier Martín-Uceda, Roser Pastor Saberi, Margarita Castañer i Vivas
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