Young professionals from Southern Europe to Mexico: Reasons for migration, labour incorporation and future expectations
As reported in the literature, the number of young skilled people migrating from Southern Europe to countries with more labour opportunities has increased following the 2008 economic crisis. Using a qualitative methodology, this paper analyses the migration of young university graduates (under 30) from Italy and Spain to Mexico. First, the paper focuses on push factors in their countries of origin. Secondly, it analyses reasons for migration to Mexico and concludes that these young people do not always migrate for labour reasons. Thirdly, interviewees have contradictory discourses regarding their labour incorporation (i.e. they appreciate the opportunity to develop their careers, but some lack satisfactory labour and wage conditions). Finally, in relation to their expectations for the future, they also show some contradictory discourses (e.g. positive feelings about working in a career-related job and a desire to return to their countries of origin).Keywords
economic crisis, skilled migration, migrants in between, Mexico, Southern EuropeReferences
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Copyright (c) 2018 Anna Ortiz Guitart, Xavier Oliveras González, Cristóbal Mendoza Pérez
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