Activities organized for tourists as an element of cohesion in mountain residential destinations: The case of the Cerdanya


  • José M.ª Prat Forga Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Gemma Cànoves Valiente Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The greater ease of mobilization of the urban population has led to a significant increase in second residences. This growth has occurred on a par with an increase in sports, cultural, recreational and leisure activities offered by public bodies and local associations to satisfy the demands of this temporary population, who lengthen their stay at the destination and relate to the permanent population, thus avoiding social conflicts between these groups. This paper examines the case of the Spanish part of the region of the Cerdanya using statistical data on the programming of activities published in the free local press and a survey of 154 people. The aim is to verify if there is a direct relationship between these activities, second residences and the seasonal population, as well as the degree of satisfaction with these activities.


second residences, tourist activities, satisfaction, new social spaces, Pyrenees, Catalonia


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Author Biographies

José M.ª Prat Forga, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Grupo de investigación TUDISTAR (UAB)

Gemma Cànoves Valiente, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Grupo de investigación TUDISTAR (UAB)



How to Cite

Prat Forga, J. M., & Cànoves Valiente, G. (2019). Activities organized for tourists as an element of cohesion in mountain residential destinations: The case of the Cerdanya. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 65(2), 345–369.


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