The Tordera delta: Tensions, challenges and expectations in a complex rural landscape in the metropolitan periphery of Barcelona


  • Josep M. Panareda Institut d’Estudis Catalans


The Tordera delta is a small delta of some 8 km2 located on the northern end of the Barcelona metropolitan region, in which market-garden farms predominated throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Subsequently, various industries were set up in the region, urbanised areas grew, and an intense tourist activity developed around the beaches. This article presents the key ideas on the current situation with respect to the uses made of a mosaic landscape in which the use of water, the occupation of space, the effects of flooding by the River Tordera and the constant erosion of the beaches by sea storms all give rise to ongoing conflict. The main challenges identified in this study are an acceptance of the area’s natural reality exactly as it is, and knowing how to place limits on consumption, on the exploitation of space and on the development of economic and social activities.


periurban landscape, change in land use, coastal erosion, market-garden farms, beach tourism


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Author Biography

Josep M. Panareda, Institut d’Estudis Catalans

Catedràtic de Geografia Física. Universitat de Barcelona



How to Cite

Panareda, J. M. (2020). The Tordera delta: Tensions, challenges and expectations in a complex rural landscape in the metropolitan periphery of Barcelona. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 66(2), 371–392.


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