From the inside to the outside and vice versa: Geographical and activist spaces around World Pride 2017
The celebration of World Pride 2017 in Madrid, a sort of global LGBT Pride event, defined a new balance between the symbolic spaces and the organizations linked to the event. This article draws from ethnographic fieldwork undertaken within LGBT activism and the local administration, with close access to the mega-event’s organization. The analysis focuses on the extension of the frequent activist and geographical contexts of Madrid Pride in the 2017 event. Madrid’s 2015-2019 City Council, by using new sponsorship and coordination tools, promoted an event in which the well-known neighbourhood of Chueca and the frequent activist organizations were still the main territory and agents, while at the same time new or critical ones received financing and visibility, via a conscious deconcentration of festivities and activities.
LGBT Pride, Madrid, events, public administrations, decentralizationReferences
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