Maritime storms, climate change and detailed mapping of the occupation of the coastal strip

Diagnosis in the south of the province of Alicante



Coastal Law 2/2013 extends the concessions of the constructions that occupy the Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain (MTPD) to a maximum of 75 years, which implies a lack of vision concerning the effects of climate change associated with the increase in sea levels and the greater recurrence of sea storms. This paper diagnoses the problem of the occupation of the coastal strip on the south coast of the province of Alicante. It analyses the effects of the Gloria squall (January 2020), the serious problem of beach regression and the risk of flooding in the dwellings occupying the MTPD. The results show that the beaches of Babilonia, La Mata, Las Villas and El Mojón are at serious risk of flooding. Proposals are made in different areas that would allow the recovery of beaches with a serious problem of regression and adaptation to climate change.


climate change, maritime storms, Gloria squall, risk mapping, Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain (MTPD), Bajo Segura


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Author Biographies

Antonio Oliva Cañizares, Universidad de Alicante

Doctorando en Planificación de los Espacios Regionales Universidad de Alicante.

Jorge Olcina Cantos, Universidad de Alicante

Catedrático de Análisis Geográfico Regional. 

Departamente de Análisis Geográfico Regional y Geografía Física

Director del Laboratorio de Climatología de la Universidad de Alicante.



How to Cite

Oliva Cañizares, A., & Olcina Cantos, J. (2022). Maritime storms, climate change and detailed mapping of the occupation of the coastal strip: Diagnosis in the south of the province of Alicante. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 68(1), 107–138.


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