The spatial penetration of Airbnb in the main tourist cities of Spain: Extent and Determinants


  • Nachatter Singh Garha Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics


Uneven spatial distribution of rented accommodation offered on Airbnb has potential to create spatial inequalities in host cities. In this regard, the claim of the proponents of Airbnb that ‘it increases spatial equality in the cities by creating opportunities for the house-owners in peripheral areas’ requires scientific analysis and empirical evidence. Using the data obtained from the Inside Airbnb website, 2011 census, the municipal register of Spain and OpenStreetMap, this article first measures the degree of penetration and spatial clustering (with LISA statistics) of the Airbnb listings in seven main tourist cities of Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Mallorca and Malaga). Second, it analyses (with multiple linear regression models) the spatial, socio-economic, demographic and cultural determinants of the spatial clustering of accommodation offered on Airbnb in the selected cities; and finally, it compares the growth of Airbnb and its impact on spatial inequalities in the selected cities.


Airbnb, tourist cities, spatial analysis, determinants, Spain


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Author Biography

Nachatter Singh Garha, Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics

Post doctrate researher, Center for Demographic Studies



How to Cite

Singh Garha, N. (2021). The spatial penetration of Airbnb in the main tourist cities of Spain: Extent and Determinants. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 68(1), 167–194.


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