Reinvented roots: Reshaping the meanings of rurality in the process of gentrification
This paper studies the resignification of rurality against a context of cultural and economic revaluation that could lead to processes of rural gentrification. This aim is addressed through an exploration of the lifestyle preferences of the ex-urban middle classes living in rural areas, and focuses on how idealising rural reality works both intersubjectively and politically. Individual semi-structured interviews with newcomers and second-home-owners in the village of Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Catalonia, Spain) were conducted and analysed using the qualitative method of discursive thematic analysis. Results suggest that living an idyllic rural lifestyle articulates the logics of contemporary capitalism, which acts both as a symbolic mechanism of social distinction and as a capitalisation of structural feelings of discontent. The escape from the pressures of capitalist urban life reinvents rurality psychosocially, demonstrating the paradox of desiring a lifestyle symbolically anchored in the past and connected with essential values, but being structurally modernized.
rural gentrification, rural idyll, neo-rural, Catalonia, symbolic consumptionReferences
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