The analysis of spatial networks for the study of internal migrations: an application to the case of Ecuador
Migratory flows articulate spaces of departure and arrival, forming spatial networks. Network analysis is used to explore the case of Ecuador, to understand the structure and dynamics of internal migration. The use of the most recent census allows the construction of a database of internal migrations analyzed using Gephi software. The calculation of network analysis indicators shows the role of nodes in the network. It is determined that the internal migratory network in Ecuador is characterized by the complexity of its interactions, which is not inconsistent with a hierarchical structuring linked to the role of spaces in the territorial system. The national level functions as a semi-closed migration system made up of subnetworks with a regional dynamic. Finally, the research shows the potential of the use and development of the network paradigm for the study of internal migratory complexes. At the same time, the research shows that the complexity and networks are increasingly important to the understanding and management of regional planning and administration.
internal migrations, spatial networks, Ecuador, territorial system, complexityReferences
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