The participation of women in the sustainable development of the Kichwa People of Rukullakta (Ecuador)


  • Gloria Elizabeth Veloz Jaramillo Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Antoni F. Tulla Pujol Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Ana Vera Martín Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Kichwa women perform productive, reproductive and distribution duties in a patriarchal system. In 2009, the regulations of the Kichwa People of Rukullakta (PKR) were modified to foster the participation of women in the organizational and productive governance of the community. Women have promoted associations and activities that have improved the opportunities for sustainable development (SD) in their communities. A brief reference to the gender approach in Latin America is presented. Qualitative (participant observation, focus groups and in-depth interviews) and quantitative (TNC Foundation Census) methodologies are used. An analysis is conducted of the participation of women in the activities of the four PKR marketing models. When women are members of association that organize and distribute production, there are better SD results in the territory. Although gradual progress is being made in the participation of women in all activities, there is still a certain distribution of tasks in accordance with the customs of the Kichwa people.


sustainable development, gender, qualitative methodology, marketing models, Kichwa People of Rukullakta



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How to Cite

Veloz Jaramillo, G. E., Tulla Pujol, A. F., & Vera Martín, A. (2023). The participation of women in the sustainable development of the Kichwa People of Rukullakta (Ecuador). Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 69(2), 259–284.


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