The Eixample of Barcelona: one plan, two realities. Comparative study of the urban development of two urban fabrics: the central expansion and the Poblenou expansion


  • Miquel Corominas Ayala Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Joan Moreno Sanz Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  • Júlia Corominas Castiñeira Liceu Francès de Barcelona


Ildefons Cerdà’s Eixample Project for Barcelona proposed an unlimited layout based on a modern grid of wide streets and large blocks. A characteristic of the layout was the homogeneity of the urban form. Factors such as the pre-existing agricultural activity, however, conditioned the growth of the Eixample into two differentiated urban fabrics: the central urban extension developed on dry agricultural land that comprised blocks with residential buildings and on the perimeter and a ground floor and inner courtyard for productive use. Poblenou, more resistant to changes of use due to the value of the irrigated agricultural land and its isolation as a result of the railway system, comprised a model with low-rise buildings and full land occupation. The objective of this article is to carry out a comparative study of both expansion models from the historical review of their development but also from the analysis of indicators on their current urban morphology.


urbanism, urban pattern, Expansion plan, Barcelona


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How to Cite

Corominas Ayala, M., Moreno Sanz, J., & Corominas Castiñeira, J. (2023). The Eixample of Barcelona: one plan, two realities. Comparative study of the urban development of two urban fabrics: the central expansion and the Poblenou expansion. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 69(3), 539–562.


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