Recognition of the urban territory in the cartography of the first industrialisation of Gipuzkoa


  • Madalen González-Bereziartua Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


This article aims to study the role played by the first industrialization in recognising the urban territory of Gipuzkoa through cartographic documents that were drawn up during that period and which reflect the urban constraints and challenges faced by the territory today. It addresses, on the one hand, the urban effects of the arrival of the railway, which favoured both urban development projects to give access to the station and, in some cases, urban expansion plans. On the other hand, it reveals the particular urban characteristics of the Gipuzkoa industrial settlement process. This gave rise to industrial urban concentrations of varying sizes which, located at the bottom of the narrow valleys and tangents to their rivers, led to suburban growth at the periphery of urban centres.


urban centrality, industrialization, urban infrastructure, territory of Gipuzkoa, cartography


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