Residential and occupational segregation of the African population in Spain in the 21st century



African migration in Spain played a pioneering role in the transition from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Despite the heavy influx of people of other origins since the year 2000, Africans continue to be one of the most significant groups, characterised by wide territorial distribution and high levels of occupational and residential segregation. The analysis of the relationship between both kinds of segregation at the regional level is the objective of this project, in comparison with other immigrants. The questions answered by this research, based on the values of the dissimilarity index and Pearson’s correlation analysis, are: 1) how do levels of residential and occupational segregation change according to sex and origin?; 2) to what extent are they affected by the impact of their financial situation?, and 3) what is the correlation between occupational and residential segregation?


migrant population, residential segregation, occupational segregation, crisis, African population


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