Challenging the Norm at Home: Experiences and Strategies of LGBT+ Youth in the Family Home and their Own Residence



This research project in geography primarily focused on public space, with little study of power relations at a domestic level. The home is a fundamental space for identity construction, which is why it is crucial to focus on it to understand how social power structures operate in people’s lives. Based on this, the objective of this research is to study the experiences of age, gender, and sexual orientation in different home spaces to see how power relations are reproduced on a daily basis. Using a qualitative methodology, the Relief Maps analyse the experiences of twenty-seven LGBT+ youths from the Bages region. The results show how adultism, cissexism, and heterocentrism shape the experiences of LGBT+ youth at home. The study emphasises the central focus on domestic spaces in the study of social inequalities.


sexual orientation, gender, age, adultism, intersectionality


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