Distortions of COVID home confinement on labour market outcomes
The economically inactive population is observed in the last two quarters of 2005 to 2024 between 17 and 64 years of age. The data source is the Labour Force Survey, from which we selected 287,714 individuals observed on 321,632 occasions in a situation of economic inactivity, presenting the status that applied to them in the first quarter of the year observed: 82% were inactive, 10% were looking for work and 8% had left or lost their job. The aim was to identify what happened during the home confinement of 2020, at the beginning of the COVID pandemic in Spain, and to reveal whether the pattern of out-activity according to previous position only intensified at that time or whether the characteristics of the affected population changed. The analysis shows that there was indeed a change in intensity, but not in the pattern of exit from the labour market.
economic inactivity, COVID-19 pandemic, multivariate analysisReferences
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