The Spanish judicial district: an “undervalued” division with the ability to generate collective territorial identities. The example of Galicia
Judicial districts, like provinces and municipalities, are the result of the establishment of the Spanish liberal state in the early decades of the 19th century. Their original purpose was the administration of justice, but they quickly began to assume other functions and services that would come to reinforce them. Despite not becoming local entities, they were of great importance to public administration in setting up its regional structure. Through geohistorical analysis, this work aims to develop the “history” of the judicial division of Galicia. The results suggest that its long-term stability served to consolidate it in the collective imagination of the population. In particular, the authority of the judicial districts can be seen in the enormous influence they exert over the division of the territory into comarcas, as demonstrated by this study in the case of Galicia.
judicial district, comarca, geohistorical analysis, regional organization, regional identityReferences
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