Crase, Lin i O’Keefe, Sue (eds.) (2011). Water Policy, Tourism and Recreation


  • Josep Pueyo Ros Universitat de Girona


Crase, Lin i O’Keefe, Sue (eds.) (2011)
Water Policy, Tourism and Recreation
Washington: Resources for the Future, 221 p.
ISBN 978-1-61726-087-2


CRASE, L. (ed.). (2008). Water Policy in Australia: The Impact of Change and Uncertainty. Washington: Resources for the Future.

CRASE, L.; GANDHI, V. (ed.). (2009). Reforming Institutions in Water Resource Management: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development. Londres: Earthscan Publishing.

ESSEX, S.; KENT, M.; NEWNHAM, R. (2004). «Tourism Development in Mallorca: Is Water Supply a Constraint?». Journal of Sustainable Tour-ism, 12 (1), 4–28. http://dx.doi. org/10.1080/09669580408667222

Biografía del autor/a

Josep Pueyo Ros, Universitat de Girona

Estudiant de doctorat al grup de recerca Aigua (Medi Ambient i Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica)



Cómo citar

Pueyo Ros, J. (2014). Crase, Lin i O’Keefe, Sue (eds.) (2011). Water Policy, Tourism and Recreation. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 60(3), 659–662.


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