Qualitative research in the study of the daily mobility and poverty relations in the Latin American context. An applied case in Lima Metropolitana


  • Pau Avellaneda


The studies on the relationship between daily mobility and poverty and their effects on the processes of social exclusion in Latin American cities are scarce. Still, there is not a broad theoretical corpus on this issue. This is the fundamental reason for which the author of this paper has decided for an inductive approach developed through qualitative research methods. In a coordinated and complementary way, techniques such as scientific observation (exploratory observation and non-participant observation); interview for social research (exploratory interviews, in-depth interviews and informal conversations) and document research has been used in order to progressively reach the social reality of the object of research.


daily mobility, poverty, social exclusion, Latin America, qualitative research


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How to Cite

Avellaneda, P. (2009). Qualitative research in the study of the daily mobility and poverty relations in the Latin American context. An applied case in Lima Metropolitana. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 55, 57–76. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.967


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