The impact of immigrants’ segregation and concentration on social integration in selected European contexts
In large sections of the western world there are lively public and policy debates about segregation and integration and in particular about the potential impact of specific population compositions in certain neighbourhoods in cities on integration and social opportunities. There clearly are some prevailing ideologies, perceptions, assumptions and policy responses regarding segregation and potential (neighbourhood) integration effects. In this contribution these prevailing ideas will be addressed and subsequently confronted with theory on segregation, concentration, and neighbourhood effects, and finally confronted with empirical research and evidence. What we learned is that segregation and concentration are no straightforward concepts and thus require cautious treatment. This may help to reduce xenophobic reactions. There are indications, though, that even in so-called redistributing welfare states some (negative) impacts of immigrant concentrations on individual’s prospects can be discerned. However, here too, careful analyses are required to be able to clarify when, for whom, what effects will likely have to be expected.Keywords
international migration, immigrants, segregation, concentration, social integration.References
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