New tourism in the city of Barcelona: Cruise tourism


  • Luis Alfonso Garay Tamajón Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)


The aim of this investigation is to estimate the economic and social impacts of cruise tourism on Barcelona. For this purpose, we examine the development and evolution of cruise tourism in the city in recent decades, as well as public and private collaboration in recent years to promote and invest in improving the urban city and cruise port infrastructure. Although the spectacular growth of cruise tourism has positioned Barcelona as a world leader in this sector, it has impacted on the destination both positively and negatively. Residents’ perceptions regarding this type of tourism are also discussed as they are key to the strategic management planning and sustainable development of cruise tourism in Barcelona.


cruise tourism, urban tourism, port, impacts, Barcelona, sustainable tourism


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Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Garay Tamajón, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Dpto. de Economia y Empresa



How to Cite

Garay Tamajón, L. A. (2015). New tourism in the city of Barcelona: Cruise tourism. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 61(3), 563–580.


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