Motivations of LGBT tourists in choosing the city of Barcelona


  • Josep Maria Prat Forga Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


LGBT tourism has emerged as an important activity within the tourism sector. Although this trend is not new to the city of Barcelona, the satisfaction of LGBT tourists depends on different variables related to the principal motivation for travel. This article analyzes such aspects by comparing the results of two surveys: the first of a sample of attendees at the Barcelona Circuit Festival and the second of a group of LGBT tourists who have not attended this event. Significant differences are found between how these two groups of tourists evaluate the variables influencing the trip. The affective aspect is most valued by those who travel without the attraction of a large-scale event targeted at this group, although leisure has an important influence on attendees at a macro event organized specifically for the LGBT community.


LGBT tourism, satisfaction with visit, musical festivals, motivations, Barcelona


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Author Biography

Josep Maria Prat Forga, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Departament de Geografía

Investigador post-doctoral



How to Cite

Prat Forga, J. M. (2015). Motivations of LGBT tourists in choosing the city of Barcelona. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 61(3), 601–621.


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