The territorial dimension of social innovation: A sample of collective leadership practices in Nou Barris Nord and Sants
This article compares four socially innovative initiatives in the territories of North Nou Barris and Sants (Barcelona). The main thesis is that social innovation studies, apart from addressing the territorial dimension of these initiatives, should also take into account the development of collective leadership dynamics. In this regard, we identify three leadership practices that are particularly relevant to understanding the impacts of social innovation in terms of efficiency and scalability: the reframing of discourse, the bridging of differences and the unleashing of human energies. We conclude that the historical and geographical context plays a key role in understanding both the rise and the impact of these initiatives. However, agency is equally important, especially when contextual conditions are adverse. The dialectic between context and the agency, as well as community capacity building at neighbourhood level are found to be key factors in promoting a truly transformative social innovation.Keywords
social innovation, collective leadership, social transformation, scalability, crisisReferences
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