The planning and management of a cross-border landscape: The Landscape Plan of La Cerdanya
Aware of the strategic importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of their landscape, institutions of the Catalan and French side of Cerdanya joined efforts in 2012 to plan and lay the basis for the future on both sides of the border with the help of the main territorial agents to achieve this aim. The result is the Cross-Border Landscape Plan of La Cerdanya; a tool for knowledge, action, awareness and commitment, which applies the principles of European cooperation set out under the European Landscape Convention (ELC). The methodology of the plan, developed jointly by the Regional Natural Park of the Catalan Pyrenees and the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, is based on agreement with the main actors of the territory. The plan attempts to rethink the territory at the landscape unit scale, at a time when local administrations seek alternative and imaginative formulas for landscape management and planning.Keywords
Cerdanya, landscape, cross-border, planning, management, territoryReferences
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