Subjective appropriation of space: spatial, territorial and place meanings in the Cerro de la Bandera Ecopark, Santiago de Cali, Colombia
This research aims to broaden the understanding of the links between people and places based on two different disciplines: Environmental Psychology and Geography. Starting from the particular case of the territorial intervention process of the Cerro de la Bandera Ecopark, in the city of Cali, the relationship between daily experiences and the notions of place, space and territory that people construct is investigated, emphasizing the subjective appropriation of it. Through spatial life narratives, spatial, territorial and place meanings were distinguished and analyzed in relation to the sense of appropriation of space. The most significant results show that the meanings of place are directly related to the more personal and subjective appropriation of the subjects, while the spatial and territorial meanings depend on the social and functional interactions that occur there.
subjective appropriation, spatial and place meanings, spatial life narratives, Cerro de la Bandera Ecopark, ColombiaReferences
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