“Spain has not changed; we have changed”: The return of recent Andalusian emigration



Within a framework of free mobility, intra-European migrations of young people with education have been defined as flexible and unenduring in nature. Therefore the return can also have these same characteristics. This article aims to study the international return as a dynamic process based on the case of recent Andalusian emigration. The qualitative research is based on interviews with young Andalusians who recently emigrated to the United Kingdom and France. The results reveal that the decision to return is based on multiple factors of a personal nature, although having a guaranteed job in Spain is essential. On the other hand, the decision is not based on the consideration that the situation has improved in Spain: the change is in the young people who return, with more professional experience, knowledge of languages and more self-confidence. Future mobility is not ruled out.


return, Andalusia, qualified migrations, intra-European migration


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How to Cite

Capote Lama, A., Fernández Suárez, B., & Vázquez Silva, I. (2024). “Spain has not changed; we have changed”: The return of recent Andalusian emigration. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 70(1), 5–25. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.877


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