Territorial cross-border cooperation in higher education. A case study of the eastern Pyrenean border


  • David Giband Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
  • Kevin Mary Université de Perpignan Via Domitia


This article debates on the changing geographies of higher education and research crossborder cooperation by providing a critical analysis of academic cross-border cooperation in the European Union. We examine the role of higher education and research institutions within the multi-scalar and multi-actor context of cross-border cooperation in the European Union with a specific insight on the Pyrenean border. In this regard, the Catalan cross-border space on the eastern Pyrenean border constitutes an interesting case study. Considering both its dissymmetry and rhetoric of a culturally unified space, it reveals tensions and complexities in the making of an academic cross-border collaboration built on a rhetoric discourse of territorial proximity recently shaken up by national and regional injunctions.


cross-border cooperation, higher education, research, Eurocampus, Pyrenees


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How to Cite

Giband, D., & Mary, K. (2018). Territorial cross-border cooperation in higher education. A case study of the eastern Pyrenean border. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 64(3), 587–601. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.516


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