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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author guidelines.
  • The references include DOI numbers. DOI numbers are referred following the scheme <>, by using the CrossRef online form (
  • Author or authors have entered their ORCID code, if available, in the personal data form.
  • Two files have been sent with the text of the article. A complete one, with all the necessary data and a cover letter that includes 3-5 highlights, describing the essential contributions of the article (objectives, hypotheses, main method, fundamental conclusion). A second anonymized file following the anonymization rules (file called "anonymized" to differentiate it) without the cover letter.
  • The anonymized file of the article complies with the anonymisation guidelines. The name of any of the authors writing the article should not appear, the cover letter is not included, and the file does not have metadata (instructions for anonymizing the file).
  • The article has a maximum length of 7,000 words, including footnotes and excluding title, abstract, keywords, graphs, tables, and bibliography.

Author Guidelines

Anyone who submits a manuscript for publication in Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica (DAG) must previously verify that the text to be sent conforms strictly to the following norms:

1. Manuscripts should be written in Catalan, Spanish or English. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica is committed to promoting the use of Catalan as a scientific language, in Social Sciences and, particularly, Geography. The editorial team aims to guarantee the regular publication of articles written in Catalan, setting a minimum threshold of two each number, if available. Articles written in Catalan will enjoy a high priority editing and publishing process (fast-track).

2. The journal accepts two types of work:

  • Articles: they are original and developed theoretical or empirical research works.
  • Book reviews: they are brief texts which critically comment a book or monography recently published in the field of social sciences or humanities.

3. 4. Contributions will be submitted in Reach Text Format (rtf), OpenOffice Writer (odt) o Microsoft Word (doc) formats and uploaded to the journal website. Firstly, it is needed to be registered as author, to sign in using the username and password and to click in “New Submission”. If not yet registered, go to If a new version of the manuscript is required by reviewers and/or editors, please, upload it on the same website, and entering the same place of the initial version. Don’t upload it as a new article. In case of any doubt, please, contact us throught

4. Two files will be sent with the text of the article. An anonymized following the rules of anonymization (file sent as "anonymized article text" to differentiate it) without the cover letter. A second complete file, with all the necessary data. This complete NON-anonymized article file will be preceded by a cover letter specifying the following information:

  • Title, in Catalan or Spanish, French and in English.
  • Complete name of the author/s. Spanish and Latin American authors are strongly invited to consult the document “Propuesta de manual de ayuda a los investigadores españoles para la normalización del nombre de autores e instituciones en las publicaciones científicas”, available through the link “Contenidos de interés” at the website
  • Institutional affiliation: university or centre, department or unit, city and country.
  • E-mail address. All correspondence will be sent to this address. If the manuscript is co-authored, a contact address should be specified in order to maintain correspondence with the journal.
  • ORCID code (reported in the author's registration).
  • Author’s statement that the manuscript has not been previously published, neither is under consideration in any other journal while it is being considered for publication in Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica
  • Highlights: The cover letter will include a number of short points or highlights (3 to 5 highlights) that convey the core findings of the article (for instance, aims or hypothesis, main methodology, results or conclusions). There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight. These highlights will introduce the editors to the manuscript’s critical contribution and will strongly help the editors to admit the manuscript for revision.

5. Manuscripts cannot have been previously published and should not be under consideration in any other journal while they are being considered for publication in Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica (please , remind that an author’s statement on this is required to be added to the cover sheet). As an exception, and for reasons of scientific interest or diffusion of outstanding contributions, the Editorial board may decide to publish and/or translate an already published text.

6. The text of articles will be preceded by an abstract of no more than 150 words in Catalan, Spanish, English and French which should explain, in a concise and clear way, the aims, methodology, main results, and conclusions of the work. It is also necessary to include 5 keywords in the four languages mentioned.

7. Articles will have a maximum length of 7,000 words, including footnotes and excluding title, abstract, keywords, graphs, tables, and bibliography.

8. Book reviews will have a maximum length of 1,500 words, and they will begin by specifying the following information about the reviewed book: author/s, title, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, and number of pages. They will also include the complete name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address of the author/s of the review.

9. The text format should conform to the following rules:

  • Font type and size: Times New Roman 12.
  • Text should be justified and 1,5 spaced, except footnotes.
  • Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and situated at the bottom of the corresponding page, not at the end of the manuscript. It is strongly recommended to reduce their number as much as possible and to use them for clarifying and explanatory purposes, not for bibliographical reference.
  • Pages should be numbered at the bottom starting from number 1, and beginning with the page where the abstract is (the cover sheet with the information about the author/s should not be numbered).
  • Sections of the manuscript should be numbered and entitled in small letters and bold.

10. In-text citations should respect the following rules:

  • Citations should appear in the main text; the use of footnotes only for bibliographic reference should be avoided.
  • Citations should be bracketed, including author’s surname, year of publication, and the page or pages quoted; for example: (Massey, 2005: 73).
  • When an author has two different works published the same year, they will be distinguished with small letters after the year; for example: (Massey, 2005a: 97).
  • When the authors are two, the citation will include their surnames joint by “and”: (Lefebvre and Tremblay, 1998); when the authors are more than two, it will be enough to cite the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” (Ilbery et al., 1995), though the complete reference in the bibliographical list may include all the authors’ names.
  • Literal quotations should be in inverted commas and followed by the corresponding citation within brackets; this citation must include necessarily the pages quoted. When literal quotations exceed from four lines, they will be separated from the main text, without inverted commas, with bigger indentation and smaller font size.

11.  The complete list of bibliographical references will be placed at the end of the manuscript, under the heading “Bibliographical references”. The reference list will respect the following rules:

  • All the works quoted in the text should be referenced in the list, and the list will only include those works quoted in the text.
  • The order should be alphabetical by the authors’ surname. When several references have the same author, they should be ordered chronologically by year. The references of an author alone should be listed in the first place, then the works compiled or edited by that author, and, finally, co-authored works.
  • The format of the references should respect the following norms: 
    • Books: author’s surname in small capital letters, author’s full name, year of publication in brackets, title in italics, city of publication, and publisher; 
      for example:
      • Massey, Doreen (2005). For space. London: Sage.
      • Ayala, Francisco Javier and Olcina, Jorge (coords.) (2002). Riesgos naturales. Barcelona: Ariel.
      • Bankoff, Greg; Frerks, Georg and Hilhorst, Dorothea (eds.) (2004). Mapping Vulnerability. Disasters, Development and People. London: Esrtshcan.
      • Book chapters: author’s surname in small capital letters, author’s full name, year of publication in brackets, title of the chapter in inverted commas, “In:”, name of the author of the book, title of the book in italics, city of publication, and publisher; for example: 
        • Ockman, Joan (2005). “De ciudad del pecado a ciudad del signo: la transformación de Times Square”. In: Solà-Morales, Ignasi de and Costa, Xavier (eds.). Metrópolis: ciudades, redes, paisajes. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 118-126.
        • Journal’s articles: author’s surname in small capital letters, author’s full name, year of publication in brackets, title of the article in inverted commas, 
          journal’s name in italics, volume, issue or number between brackets, and pages (initial and final); for example:
          • Roche, Michael (2005). “Rural geography: a borderland revisited”. Progress in Human Geography, 29 (3), 299-303.
          • Original editions: when the year of the original edition is different from that of the quoted one, the in-text citation will reference the original edition 
            year, and the year of the quoted edition will be included at the end of the complete reference. For example: 
            • Weber, Max (1922). Economía y sociedad. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1964.
            • Web pages: complete reference of web page and date of consulting in square brackets; for example: 
              • EUROSTAT. [consulted: 12th January 2010]
  • All references should be French indented.
  • The references should include DOI numbers, should have them assigned to. DOI numbers are to be referred following the scheme <>. To make it easier, the agency CrossRef offers an online form ( The author(s) ought to type correct informations (author, title, volume number, pages) to facilitate the automatic search. Example:
    • Módenes, J.A.; López-Colás, J. (2007). “Second homes and compact cities in Spain: Two elements of the same system?”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 98 (3): 325-335. 

12. All non-textual elements (tables, figures, maps, graphs, illustrations, etc.) should appear in the corresponding place in the text; they should also be delivered separately when uploading the contribution (step 4. Uploading additional files).

  • The non-textual elements will be numbered and entitled; its source should be specified below them, and there should be an explicit mention of each one in the main text.
  • In the case of tables (the only term allowed) , formats accepted will be Reach Text Format (rtf), OpenOffice Writer (odt) or Microsoft Word (doc).
  • For illustrations and maps, recomended formats will be JPEG or TIFF with the minimum compression and a minimum size of 10 x 15 cm and 300 ppp.
  • It is recommended to upload the images in a single ZIP file.

13. Editors and Editorial Board of Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica support UNESCO recommendations concerning non-sexist use of language, and ask the authors to take them into account. The DAG editorial board maintains equal gender representation on the editorial and advisory board of the journal. It also takes this variable into consideration for a balanced selection of the people who evaluate the articles.

Special submissions

Special submissions which are not scientific articles, and are not subject to evaluation by reviewers.

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Use of the UAB's website and any of the services it offers implies full acceptance of the terms stipulated by the following data protection policy.

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