

As indicated in the peer review process, Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica uses a double-blind model to guarantee the quality and rigour of the proposals submitted. The article, if it passes the preliminary editorial filter, is sent for evaluation by experts in the field and it is essential that the identity of the author of the article received is not known. This is what we call anonymisation: hiding the identity of the authors.

For this reason, we request two files, one with the full article and cover letter, and the other with an anonymous version, to be sent for review. In Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica we try to replace the authorship with the formula "*anonymised*". Below are some examples of what you should do to present the document correctly and to ensure that your work does not suffer temporary delays in the editorial process because it does not comply strictly with these rules, since if it is not sent in the manner indicated, it will be asked to comply with them before the evaluation process begins.

Anonymous version

Authors' details and institutional affiliation should not appear on the first page, in the headings, or anywhere else in the document. There should also be no reference to research projects, acknowledgements, or other information that could be used to identify authorship. This information will appear in the second file sent with the full article, which includes the cover letter, as indicated in the author guidelines and the checklist.

Within the bibliographic references, self-citations must be taken into account. If these are few (not more than three), anonymisation is not necessary. For three or more self-citations, the following example should be followed.

If the references before anonymising are as follows:

  • Martínez, J. (2020). Informes de AAAA. Journal a, 3(4), 123-456.
  • Martínez, J. and García, P. (2021). Estudis de BBBB. Journal b, 3(4), 123-456.
  • Rodríguez, M., Martínez, J. and Caparrós, l. (2022). Ensenyament de CCCC. Journal c, 3(4), 123-456.

And in the body of the text they are quoted as follows:

  • (Martínez, 2020)
  • Along these lines, Martínez and García (2021) indicate that…
    (Rodríguez et al., 2022)

The way to anonymise these three references in order to submit the document to Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica would be:

  • (*anonymised*)
  • Along these lines, *anonymised* indicate...
  • (*anonymised*)

If there are more than three self-citations, the list of references should not include any information about the anonymous documents, not even the word *anonymised*. The references should NOT be included at all, as they would contain information that would allow the reviewer to eventually search the internet or guess the identity of the authors. The list of references is simply presented with the other references that do not belong to the same authors of the articles.

The logic is the same for quoting in the body of the text. Following the examples given earlier, the way to anonymise would be:

  • (*anonymised*)
  • Along these lines, *anonymised* indicate...

IMPORTANT: These anonymisation instructions only apply to references and more than three quotations from the same author, i.e. self-citations. In other words, the rest of the references and quotations are presented in full.

When uploading the document to the platform, it must be uploaded as "anonymised article text", as it will appear in the drop-down menu.


As well as anonymising the text, it is also necessary to take into account the personal data contained in the file properties. Therefore, in order to ensure the blind treatment of the submission, it is necessary that the author of the document has removed all personal information from these properties by following the steps below:

    • Microsoft Word for Windows and pdf:
      • Move the mouse over the file
      • Right-click on the file
      • From the list that appears, select "properties".
      • In the "properties" dialogue box, go to the "details" tab.
      • Choose "Delete properties and personal information".
      • Another dialogue box will open where you have to select "Delete the following properties of this file" and, further down, "Select all" and then "OK".
      • Finally, "OK".
    • Microsoft Word for MacOS:


To ensure the integrity of double-blind peer review of submissions to this journal, every effort should be made to prevent authors from knowing the identity of reviewers and vice versa. This means that reviewers should check the following text and file properties (when commenting on the original text or attaching a new one):

    • If they make comments within the text using the change/comment control system, that they are anonymous and that their name or initials do not appear in the authorship of the comments.
    • When uploading the article with comments, corrections, etc., or attaching a new document with contributions, that the document has no data in the file properties.
    • The following steps can be taken to ensure that all personal information has been removed from the file properties:
      • Microsoft Word for Windows and pdf:
            • Move the mouse over the file
            • Right-click on the file
            • From the list that appears, select "properties".
            • In the "properties" dialogue box, go to the "details" tab.
            • Choose "Delete properties and personal information".
            • Another dialogue box will open where you have to select "Delete the following properties of this file" and, further down, "Select all" and then "OK".
            • Finally "OK".
      • Microsoft Word for MacOs and pdf: